another lovestory, for me this one is better than 500 days of summer
this film is superb worth watching
been watching old skul kung-fu stuffs another classic one from jacky it's worth your time enjoy
timeless classic i grew up watching old skul kung-fu jacky chan films like this one entertaining choreographic action
tv series for the big boys with balls 'kind a" ok spending time watching for thugs, drugs, big bikes and pussy
another 3d animation worth watching nice story nice to spend time watching
pusan film festival films about love/romance check them out very nice story plot (love discourse & etc)
better than teen flicks TWILIGHT / Vampire Diaries / True Blood Underworld Series, very entertaining great story
another sad love story and it is also a book, great story
a new series of HBO it's all about new york fashion, lifestyle, skateboarding, arts, etc.
entertaining a new kind of series
6-8 shorts nice plot, great story get ready to be flipped out, amusing
good acting good story another viral infectious zombie like style, ok to waste time for
a psychological horror good acting, surprising scenes, good story
nice to waste time if your looking fantasy adventure, good story entertaining
bring the family good story for children, entertaining
another polanski's suspense political tricky works
great scientific explanation how the world is created, great humor, great actor, it's also a book
making a band rock n roll, drugs, sex, good acting, biography
great action gore, blood bath, ninja at it's finest---typical action plot
flip sci fi very good story good actor
sci-fi, educational very awesome story, getting old forgetful, being torn between reality & what if in short-flip
in my opinion this film is inspired by a children book Mr. Nobody written by Roger Hargreaves
good story suspense
kind a ok, reality party, drugs, sex
short animation reincarnation
intellectual genius
dark comedy, good story
tv educational addiction
tv educationa
informative, events tv
tv educational, informative, history
medical reality good story
tv comedy with modern lesson
very hilarious, entertaining tv
great songs & tribute poetry
biography history invention
docu about losers with talents, creativity
tv computer geek, informative, educational
simple very great story
tv cooking show with relevance, showbiz, informative
tv dark comedy very hilarious, reality topics
tv teen gossiping
tv cartoons great story very futuristic
tv show that deals teens ambition, goals in life, reality kinda ok
tv geeky intellectual comedy
classic twist love story reality great plot
love story good
reality comedy family great story
great story plot, reality, heartwarming funny, teen
love story old & young good story
reality funny heartwarming great plot
love story good plot
unexpected twisted love story
about life in reality
very funny great tv comedy
tv teen flick, teen goals ambition drama kinda ok
musically funny entertaining
good twisted plot, nice story acceptance
great story plot drama reality
flip thriller
mafia gang great story great actors
great plot asian classic, reality of life is the horror here
great story unexpected, flip, murder
sc fi good story plot nice actor
light reality film, one of m.douglas best acting

The INAUGURAL SPEECH of PNOY lasted for 20mins i think, according to the traditional scheduled speeches it should last only for 10mins. Even though, the speech was very inspiring and interesting he tackles only the BASICS. I like the part of his speech where in hem focus on certain branches of government specializing practicing RED TAPE, coz your days is already finished.
Some political analyst said that the speech doesn't reached their expectations and it was somehow short coz he never dealt with the biggest topics concerning our problems, i believed squeezing in all his plans for our country will surely costs a lot of time given that presidency is very new to him. So to all of his political detractors expecting detailed perspective for a certain problem & controversies facing our nation, BACK OFF give the man a break. There is 6 years, a plenty of time to address all your grievances and for sure our PNOY is very much prepared to answer and do necessary actions in solving everything.
By the way the pics above is not intended to insult him i've chosen the pics just to show the versatility of our president and the song "ESTUDYANTE BLUES" he sung in his party is very much appreciated it only shows PNOY is also like one of US, simple yet rock n' roll hehehehehehe!
Harmony Korine
Harmony Korine
For me his works is abstract that deals with how reality sucks specially growing up, i watched some of his works entertaining yet disturbing - a reality in life we usually faces day to day he just exploited it put it in the screen thats it! nothings new. he also shows how BAD real life is and twisting it to be entertaining, but really it's NOT entertaining it's just what life is all about right? nothing more. what i admire in him is he pick his actors well, story line aswell and making IDEAS out of this world and injecting it to his chosen plot or story and play with it. i recommend you to follow he's work if your into doing BAD things and wanted to get away with it by making FUN out of it - thats how sick KORINE IS. thats why some fans idolizing him specially young kids growing up coz they think doing bad decisions in life is ordinary and later on somehow getting away with it and treating it only as a funny joke, which is in reality it's not - your just wasting your time. as for me, i'm finished following his works i am fed up of seeing nonsense scenes/segments specially on his so called "low budget INDIE type of film" over and over again and again. i heard his book "cracked up at the race riot" is receiving great reviews
so? IM NOT INTERESTED anymore coz its uselessly funny a waste of my time i'll just masterbate instead it's good for the health hahahahahaha.

Coming Soon Check Them Out!
xxx - Joseph//Grindiosity
-Another Mortal Sin-
1. First of all how did band start? Current line-up?
A.we stared the band around late 2002 but not that active attending gigs but doing stuffs for whatcore records, that is maybe because we are nobody.. lol.. at that time our former bassist (butch) was still involve until giving up the band mid 2003-2004, and our reborn as of our present line up came up doing new shits.
2. What made the band choose to play the approach that it does which is deeply rooted in thrash and power violence?
A.from different bands as we form as one (some melodic punk,street punk, and our love to the scene, crust, grind etc. and of-course others are not that similar to the scene like dark triphop's etc. lol ..) we have just decided to play in your face powerviolence for a change.. mostly because of our influences that made the band aggressive in doing shits.
3. When I first saw you perform live, your set didn't exceed 5 minutes but I could've sworn you played at least 6 songs! Do you intentionally keep your songs short? Why?
A.we definitely intend to do our stuffs not more than a minute if possible and some because its more powerful than the usual 3minute track that we often encounter. and of-course the intense cant take that long but to take the shortcut as in your face blast. hell yeah lol.
4.Why do you think the influence of true power-violence is still felt today?
A. i think because of its unusual intensity that makes it more different from the others, well, more kids are into the unusual behavior as of today's generation. but that's only our opinion, we're all free to decide..
5. How has playing the kind of music in AxMxSx influence your personal lives?
A. actually a different world beyond our massive chaotic minds when we're as one doing power-violence creations. we're actually into the usual routines like other people.basically our creations is also based on our daily experience. the poverty, the good life, fun and intentionally pure anguish. to cut it short.. we're just making it more fun, the violent we are, the more power we gain.
6. Now some light-hearted questions...What's your favorite power-violence record and why?
A. of-course our major influence, the legendary CHARLES BRONSON.. lol.. and the reasons? Fatal as it is...and some of the old ones like siege, capitalist casualties, plutocracy, spazz, larm, man is the bastard etc. and mostly influenced by the new generation like idiots parade, ACxDC,youth enrage, godstomper, hell nation and many to mention..
who needs reasons when you got heroine brain anyway lol..
7. If you could write one power-violence about one Chinese actor, who would it be and what would the song be about?
A. maybe the character "Wong Fei Hung" the drunkenmaster played by jackie chan around 1978's finest kungfu days.. of-course the song would be about "whats in the mind of a drunken violent kung fu master when trouble comes, and how he represents his brothers". just like jackie chan's spirit crushing stunts eh?! haha.. but i think maybe it has been done by someone who's into powerviolence also, but we don't care anyway hahah.
8. What's the consensus drink of choice of AxMxSx?
A.well, well, well, beverage huh...
the usual flavor of those chaotic events we enjoy...
9. This has been great, thanks for doing this interview. Feel free to drop some last words or tips on how to thrash hard effectively...
-- "choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself.. choose your future.. choose life".. -renton (trainspotting) lol . . this life changing lines purely evolve us all to the negative effect of our society as of now.. we stand alone even if we force everyone to unite still we collapse.. lets raise our fists for we live for our own desires... non of them dictates.. we'll make a change and the start is within OURSELVES...
thanks brotha' many thanks...
-arvin in behalf of the band
1. First of all how did band start? Current line-up?
A.we stared the band around late 2002 but not that active attending gigs but doing stuffs for whatcore records, that is maybe because we are nobody.. lol.. at that time our former bassist (butch) was still involve until giving up the band mid 2003-2004, and our reborn as of our present line up came up doing new shits.
2. What made the band choose to play the approach that it does which is deeply rooted in thrash and power violence?
A.from different bands as we form as one (some melodic punk,street punk, and our love to the scene, crust, grind etc. and of-course others are not that similar to the scene like dark triphop's etc. lol ..) we have just decided to play in your face powerviolence for a change.. mostly because of our influences that made the band aggressive in doing shits.
3. When I first saw you perform live, your set didn't exceed 5 minutes but I could've sworn you played at least 6 songs! Do you intentionally keep your songs short? Why?
A.we definitely intend to do our stuffs not more than a minute if possible and some because its more powerful than the usual 3minute track that we often encounter. and of-course the intense cant take that long but to take the shortcut as in your face blast. hell yeah lol.
4.Why do you think the influence of true power-violence is still felt today?
A. i think because of its unusual intensity that makes it more different from the others, well, more kids are into the unusual behavior as of today's generation. but that's only our opinion, we're all free to decide..
5. How has playing the kind of music in AxMxSx influence your personal lives?
A. actually a different world beyond our massive chaotic minds when we're as one doing power-violence creations. we're actually into the usual routines like other people.basically our creations is also based on our daily experience. the poverty, the good life, fun and intentionally pure anguish. to cut it short.. we're just making it more fun, the violent we are, the more power we gain.
6. Now some light-hearted questions...What's your favorite power-violence record and why?
A. of-course our major influence, the legendary CHARLES BRONSON.. lol.. and the reasons? Fatal as it is...and some of the old ones like siege, capitalist casualties, plutocracy, spazz, larm, man is the bastard etc. and mostly influenced by the new generation like idiots parade, ACxDC,youth enrage, godstomper, hell nation and many to mention..
who needs reasons when you got heroine brain anyway lol..
7. If you could write one power-violence about one Chinese actor, who would it be and what would the song be about?
A. maybe the character "Wong Fei Hung" the drunkenmaster played by jackie chan around 1978's finest kungfu days.. of-course the song would be about "whats in the mind of a drunken violent kung fu master when trouble comes, and how he represents his brothers". just like jackie chan's spirit crushing stunts eh?! haha.. but i think maybe it has been done by someone who's into powerviolence also, but we don't care anyway hahah.
8. What's the consensus drink of choice of AxMxSx?
A.well, well, well, beverage huh...
the usual flavor of those chaotic events we enjoy...
9. This has been great, thanks for doing this interview. Feel free to drop some last words or tips on how to thrash hard effectively...
-- "choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself.. choose your future.. choose life".. -renton (trainspotting) lol . . this life changing lines purely evolve us all to the negative effect of our society as of now.. we stand alone even if we force everyone to unite still we collapse.. lets raise our fists for we live for our own desires... non of them dictates.. we'll make a change and the start is within OURSELVES...
thanks brotha' many thanks...
-arvin in behalf of the band

These are simple yet organic Calumpit, Bulacan based pride bands that can make you realize that hell is near (in a flattering way).
Another Mortal Sin caters to powerviolence while the Unidentified Fucking Orphans deals with grind even they sounded like from a foreign band you can still identify them as true blood pinoy. Makata as they said in Bulakenyos & poetic, these 2 bands can make your life moves fast and miserable (again in a good flattering way).
I am proudly to say i grew up with this bands they introduce new sounds to my listening pleasure-----and I enjoy it so much thats why I'm sharing my own personal reviews to their 2 ep's I already heard. They say reviewing someones works is a cliche coz "to each is own" but one thing for sure these bands have something in common, they like to play fast with so much power as if your balls are crushing, it can grind your hearts out turned it into pieces and they both like to play loud!
The members of these two bands somehow intertwined with one another, came from different influences but somehow find a way to mix and match their own personalities and talents:
aries brutal: vox
aries theo: bass
nelson: drummer
arvs: vox, drummer, guitars
macoy: guitars
did I forget someone?
More power and try catching their gigs coz it's a hell of experience. By the way great band names!

AXMXS - 'Another Mortal Sin' EP
Calumpit, Bulacan(philippines) base band born between 2002-2003
original members: